Did you know that April is IBS Awareness Month?
A lot the IBS awareness messaging out there might focus on IBS being an invisible illness – that up to 20% of the population is struggling internally, while externally you can look perfectly healthy. And we all know this is true.
But I want to change the conversation and shift the focus to something else entirely.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is NOT a lifelong condition. You’ve heard me say this many times, and I’ll continue to play in on repeat until the whole world can hear it. Even though your doctors may say that there’s no “cure” for IBS, it doesn’t mean you can’t fully recover and live healthy, fulfilled lives.

I was diagnosed with both IBS and GERD but I’ve been symptom-free for 15 years. I’m truly grateful to be able to live my life to the fullest, but I wasn’t gifted a miracle that no one else can have.
In fact I hold a vision that by 2029, we will live in an IBS-free world, where diagnosis will flow directly into recovery and no one will ever struggle with IBS again.
So what about you? Are you ready to join my vision and eliminate your IBS? Share this post to help spread the word, and book an IBS Breakthrough Session if you’re ready to let me help you get IBS-free too!